What Causes Poor Oral Health?
Everything You Need to Know About Dental and Oral Health Oral health is a crucial component of overall health and well-being. It involves maintaining the cleanliness and functionality of your teeth, gums and mouth. Good oral health care practices not only prevent common oral diseases but also contribute to general health, enhancing your quality of […]
Dental Tips for a Healthy Halloween
Halloween is here, which for most children means bags of free lollies and a chance to build a stockpile of sweets for the summer. No surprise, Halloween can also present parents with a variety of health and safety challenges. Dr Catrina Carroll At The Dentist at 70 Pitt Street agrees “It’s OK to eat that […]
Toothbrush Recycling
Guess what time it is! It’s time for some oral health tips! Perhaps time to change the head on that electric toothbrush? Can you remember the last time you changed it? Then there is no time like today! What to do with that old head? In an age of everything being recycled, upcycled, re-used and […]
Happy Halloween – By Christine Fischer-Stoess
Do you know what this coming Monday is? Aside from the beginning of another work week, it’s Halloween! Will you be getting your Halloween on this year? Sadly, we may not be handing out lollies at the practice but we would love to see your best “trick or treat!” costumes. Now, Monday will be a […]
Hello Friday – By Christine Fischer-Stoess
Hello everyone! It’s Friday!! Happy start to the weekend! And my other favorite Friday F word is—Drumroll please—Floss! What did you think I was going to say? I know we give you the constant lecture about the importance of flossing and sometimes it might seem that we really champion the cause (and who are we […]
April First – By Christine Fischer-Stoess
Hi Again! So, during a recent marathon of TV watching, I couldn’t help but be reminded by the iSelect guy that health insurance premiums are going up on April 1 (as usual). I also seem to recall a story on the Project from a few weeks back about “junk private health insurance policies”. I have […]
Was your New Year Resolution Health?
Oh, February. The time of year when I always look for groundhogs, maybe some wilting roses and I have more than one client tell me that their New Year’s resolution has gone the way of the moa. I had a quick Google to see what the top New Year resolutions are, and as I suspected […]
All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth…
This Christmas season while we are being jolly and (over)indulge in a few festive treats, we may want to remember, it won’t be just our waist lines taking the hit this Christmas. Throughout the party season we will be increasing our intake of sugar, whether it be through alcohol or sweet foods, so it’s vital […]
And then there were teeth! By Christine Fischer-Stoess
Hello Again! It seemed like this time last year half of our patient population was pregnant, so I wrote a blog on mouth health and pregnancy. This year, babies seem to be falling from the sky (not actually!) but I am receiving a large number of questions about mouth care for little ones. So, in […]
Spring time – Slip, Slop, Slap!
So now that it is officially spring, let’s talk about some spring cleaning items! Now for the majority of people who grew up in Australia, sunscreen is mandatory year-round, not just in the summer. If you are not already wearing sunscreen, there is no day like today to start! In addition to preventing premature wrinkles […]
Saliva – it’s more important than you think!
SALIVA…you know, that clear, kind of stringy fluid that seems to be keeping you fastened to your pillow at night should you decide to float away in the middle of some amazing dream… and then no matter how glamorous your awakening, manages to ruin the picture by hanging off the corner of your mouth…That somewhat […]
Bad breath? May not be as bad as you think…
HALITOSIS: science speaks for bad breath. Most of us have experienced it at some time and a few of us may have wondered whether those around us detected the same funky smell we noticed coming from our breath that morning. Well, apparently, people stepping back during conversation or covering their noses is NOT a sign […]
Why me? What makes you prone to tooth decay
There are many factors that can cause one’s dental health to deteriorate. Here are some of the most basic causes and contributing factors to tooth decay. PRESENCE OF BACTERIA Tooth decay and gum disease are bacterial infections. They are infectious diseases. This means that bacteria responsible for tooth decay (aka cariogenic bacteria) are transferred to […]
Are your teeth feeling the cold?
I regularly see an ad on TV for a desensitizing toothpaste in which a dentist explains that you “should not give up foods you enjoy”, instead you should just use this toothpaste (I assume, forever) and your problem will not be a problem any more. First, let’s talk about sensitive teeth. What causes sensitive teeth? […]